Take A Walk
With Paul, Co-founder from Earl of East
Co-founder Paul shares his route through Old London, starting with Sir John Soane Museum, winding through the empty streets and secret gardens of Holborn, finishing up with the best fish and chips to be found in the capital.
Co-founder Paul shares his route through Old London, starting with Sir John Soane Museum, winding through the empty streets and secret gardens of Holborn, finishing up with the best fish and chips to be found in the capital.

Tell us a little about how you came upon your route, and your memories of the first time you walked it.
For much of my time outside of Earl of East, I've worked in Central London, and between meetings I have always chosen to walk rather than take transport. At first, it was a way to get a feel for the city, but over time it became respite from city life.

I would often try to discover slightly off the beaten track routes to avoid the hustle and bustle, and that was how I first discovered Lincoln's Inn Fields, as it allowed me to traverse Holborn almost completely. The first time walking through the Fields I was probably trying to avoid the 55 bus route home, I don't remember it specifically, but I remember being taken aback by some of the architecture and how quiet it was. It really feels like you've travelled back in time.
A walk of any length often covers more ground than just actual distance - worries become less demanding, and creativity is given space to flow. Does a walk hold any purpose for you, practical or otherwise?
Headspace. I think it gives you time to decompress whilst still actually doing something, I'm a bit restless and always need to be busy, so walking is perfect as I am going somewhere and achieving something, whilst still having time in my thoughts.

A walk with Paul through Holborn might look like this...
There are many routes that encompass parts of this area, but a good one to take if making this your daily walk would be this; If travelling into Central London by tube, get off at Chancery Lane, it's much quieter than Holborn, yet only a few moments away. Walk up towards to Holborn station, and after a few minutes there is a pedestrian passing into Lincoln Inn Fields.
From here you can enter the Fields, but I have always preferred walking around them. The square is surrounded by beautiful buildings, but my favorite is the Sir John Soane's museum. Generally, the only noise you’ll hear will be the familiar London sound that only a black cab can make.

With the field on your left and the museum on the right, you'll come to the end of the square. Here take a right, pass by the rest of the Fields and then cross diagonally through the LSE campus. You'll arrive at The Strand. The regal half-moon building in front is used a lot in films and TV, and you're entering the theatreland.
I love making my way around to the other side to grab a coffee at Somerset House.
I love making my way around to the other side to grab a coffee at Somerset House.

From there there’s a really nice, loop through Covent Garden, the most bustling part of the walk, taking you back towards Holborn.

Delight, which I reckon is as close to proper Fish & Chips as you will find in the city. You can then visit Lambs Conduit street, which is one of my favorites in the city, and grab fish and chips at the Fryers